Marvel Cgc White

Marvel Comics Presents #50, CGC 9.8 White, Newsstand, 1990 Marvel, Wolverine

Marvel Comics Presents #50, CGC 9.8 White, Newsstand, 1990 Marvel, Wolverine
Marvel Comics Presents #50, CGC 9.8 White, Newsstand, 1990 Marvel, Wolverine

Marvel Comics Presents #50, CGC 9.8 White, Newsstand, 1990 Marvel, Wolverine   Marvel Comics Presents #50, CGC 9.8 White, Newsstand, 1990 Marvel, Wolverine
A copy of Marvel Comics Presents #50, CGC 9.8 (White Pages), from 1990. This is the Newsstand edition. Scott Lobdell & Ed Simmons stories.

Erik Larsen, Joe Rubenstein, Kelly Jones Dennis Jensen & Jack Sparling art. Check out my other comic listings.

Marvel Comics Presents #50, CGC 9.8 White, Newsstand, 1990 Marvel, Wolverine   Marvel Comics Presents #50, CGC 9.8 White, Newsstand, 1990 Marvel, Wolverine